Amended: September 2, 2023
The AAHOA Bylaws are the fundamental rules by which AAHOA governs itself.
Access the AAHOA Bylaws
Governance Policy
Amended: September 2, 2023
The AAHOA Governance Policy defines and guides appropriate relationships between AAHOA, its board of directors, and its chief executive.
Access the AAHOA Governance Policy
COGD Submission Form
Submit an amendment to the AAHOA Governance Policy. For more information, see AAHOA Bylaws Art. X.
Submit a COGD
Membership Application
Help build a stronger AAHOA by joining today. To learn more about the benefits of AAHOA Membership, click here.
Access the Application
for Information
AAHOA values the input of its members. If you have questions or comments, please raise them here. We will do our best to provide a timely response, giving priority to our members.
Request for Information
Industry Partner
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