Our Policy Agenda
on the Road to Recovery
AAHOA’s 2022 - 2023 advocacy agenda aims to inform and educate lawmakers by providing them with insight into the issues small business owners face as they seek to rebuild their businesses, return to the workforce, and harbor a safe environment to continue their operations. Our advocacy agenda focuses on these key areas:
  • Workforce recruiting, training, and retention
  • American Rescue Plan: Supporting COVID-19 relief and loan programs
  • Franchise relations
  • Tax reform
  • Drive by lawsuits
  • Human trafficking training and prevention
  • Business liability protections
Political Action Committee
Since 2004, AAHOA PAC has succeeded in helping to elect pro-business candidates who work in Washington, D.C., and state capitols to bring positive change for the hospitality industry. AAHOA Members from across the country have contributed to electing lawmakers who ensure fair and balanced policies that promote prosperous small business growth.
Get Involved
Through social media and email inboxes, lawmakers are more engaged than ever before with their constituents. When America’s hoteliers take action, Congress listens. View our live-action alerts and contact your local, state and federal representatives to promote AAHOA’s top legislative priorities. Your efforts will not go unnoticed, and your voice will make a difference.
Stay Informed
on the Latest Advocacy Updates
AAHOA elevates the voice of America’s hoteliers in local, state, and federal legislatures. Visit our advocacy news center for the latest updates and resources from your state capital and Washington, D.C.
Industry Partner
The following Industry Partners provide generous ongoing support to AAHOA and our membership. We sincerely appreciate our Industry Partners' contributions to the association and the industry.
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The foremost resource and advocate for
America’s hotel owners

1100 Abernathy Road, Suite 725 Atlanta, GA 30328-6707


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