2022 Policy
AAHOA engages lawmakers on policies and issues most important to hoteliers. America’s hospitality industry endured the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic, and our advocacy agenda aims to positively influence and inform your elected officials, from the halls of Congress to state capitals across the country.
2022 Federal Policy Priorities
  • COVID-19 relief and recovery
  • Further developing strategic relationships with the SBA to improve access to capital and implement new relief programs
  • Human trafficking awareness training and prevention
  • Pushing for liability protections from frivolous lawsuits
  • Returning and retaining the hospitality workforce in a competitive labor market
  • Tax reform including the preservation of:
    • IRC Section 1031 Like Kind Exchanges
    • Stepped-Up Basis
    • Section 199A Small Business Deductions
  • Travel and tourism development
    • Incentivizing travel within the United States
    • Lifting barriers and restrictions on international travel
    • Per Diem FY2023
  • Workforce relations
  • Working with the Federal Trade Commission to address transparency issues related to franchise fees and OTA market dominance
2022 State and Local Policy Priorities
  • Assisting with workforce development
  • Combatting unnecessary hotel taxes
  • Fighting unfair and unnecessary labor mandates
  • Human trafficking awareness training and prevention:
    • Promoting HTAT compliance, training, and engagement
    • Advocating for effective legislation at the state and local levels
  • Improving access to capital for hoteliers through ARPA appropriations
  • Increasing tourism funding and insuring that money is wisely spent to also benefit smaller hotels
  • Leveling the playing field with short-term rental platforms and online travel agencies
  • Preventing and promoting awareness of human trafficking
  • Pushing for liability protections
    • Protecting business owners from frivolous lawsuits while holding bad actors accountable
2022 AAHOA Policy Handbook
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