Jagruti Panwala
Jagruti Panwala
2019-2020 Chairwoman
As an owner of various hotels, Jagruti provides guidance on budgets, franchise affiliations, PIP requirements, and capital expenditures. Jagruti currently serves on the American Hotel and Lodging Association (AHLA) Board of Directors. She also served as Chairwoman of AAHOA, and was the first woman to do so in the association’s 34-year history. This experience has given her unique opportunities to learn the needs of others in the hospitality industry.
Jagruti helps lead advocacy efforts aimed at protecting the interests of business owners. Her advocacy work includes testifying before the House Committee on Education and the Workforce Subcommittee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions in 2014 about the harmful impact of over-regulation on small businesses. She also testified before the House Committee on Small Business Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Tax, and Capital Access in 2018 about the impact of the travel and tourism industry on the American economy. She served on the Department of Energy Better Buildings Summit Steering Committee. She has given countless speeches and lectures at Legislative Summits, industry events and universities across the country on varying topics and volunteers her time when and where she can in order to highlight female empowerment.
Jagruti is also the driving force behind Wealth Protection Strategies. For over twenty-two years as CEO/President, she has been providing direction to individuals and businesses on asset protection and wealth transfer strategies, business succession planning, and life insurance protection. She and her team also specialize in asset management and offer full advisory services. Jagruti has proudly been recognized as a top producer in the country.
Jagruti has been the recipient of numerous industry and company awards. Among them, she has qualified for her previous broker-dealer Signator’s Platinum Level ACE (Achieving Client Excellence) award, become the youngest inductee into Signator’s “Hall of Fame” in 2014, and has been named a lifetime member of the
Born in Surat, India, Jagruti immigrated to the U.S. with her family in 1991. She earned undergraduate degrees with honors in both finance and economics. She also volunteers in the Indian-American community, where she has devoted herself to educating future generations on their heritage, language, and culture. Jagruti and her husband have two children and reside in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
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