Communications Coach Denise Thomas and AAHOACON23 HerOwnership Session Empowers Dozens of Women Hoteliers
Sep 29, 20230 comments
Communications Coach Denise Thomas and AAHOACON23 HerOwnership Session Empowers Dozens of Women Hoteliers

AAHOA's HerOwnership: Opening Doors for Women in Hospitality initiative made a significant impact at the 2023 AAHOA Convention & Trade Show, with scores of women attending "Landslide Victory," the official HerOwnership session at AAHOACON23. The President and Owner of The Communications Coach, LLC, Denise Thomas, led the powerful “Landslide Victory” presentation. She focused on motivation, engagement, business strategies, relationship building, communication, and leadership techniques. 

During Denise Thomas's presentation, attendees were treated to a wealth of key takeaways that resonated deeply and served as guiding principles for success:

  • Empowerment: "You’re on your way to being owners!" - A powerful reminder that success in the hospitality industry is well within reach for every attendee.

  • Self-Realization: "You already have power – you don’t need to have it given to you by someone else." - Reinforcing the notion that innate power resides within each individual.

  • Continuous Growth: "If there’s an area in my life in which I’m not naturally strong, I’m going to either outsource it or develop that skill." - Encouraging the pursuit of growth and improvement in the industry.

  • Inherent Potential: "The power is already in you." - A compelling affirmation that attendees possess the capabilities needed to excel.

  • Advocacy: "People need more advocates in their lives – not necessarily allies." - Highlighting the importance of having advocates who actively champion one's progress.

  • Ambition: "The question should be, I’m so good, how many hotels will I acquire in the next year?" - Encouraging attendees to set ambitious goals and aim high in their endeavors.

  • Confidence: "Act and walk as if you already are the person you imagine yourself to be." - Inspiring attendees to project confidence and self-assuredness in their professional journeys.

  • Synergy: "Bring people and things into your life that can elevate, complement, and amplify your power." - Emphasizing the value of cultivating relationships and resources that enhance one's abilities.

  • Acceptance: "The key is operating in your power and understanding you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be." - Encouraging attendees to embrace their current circumstances and leverage their unique position for growth.

Do you want to hear more about what Denise Thomas had to say? Listen to the entire AAHOCON23 HerOwnership “Landslide Victory” session today

Do you want more top-level HerOwnership content? Register for the 2023 AAHOA HerOwnership Conference & Retreat, November 2-3, 2023, in Dallas, TX. You can check out the conference agenda and secure your spot today. Don’t miss out on the HerOwnership experience. 

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