Hertelier: AAHOA Continues to Empower Women Hoteliers at the Second Annual HerOwnership Conference & Retreat
Nov 14, 20230 comments
Hertelier: AAHOA Continues to Empower Women Hoteliers at the Second Annual HerOwnership Conference & Retreat

AAHOA, the nation’s largest hotel owners association, held its second annual HerOwnership Conference & Retreat last week at The Beeman Hotel in Dallas, TX.

Designed by women hoteliers for women hoteliers, the HerOwnership Conference & Retreat aims to foster a more robust and inclusive industry where women can thrive.

Attendees of the two-day conference participated in a variety of activities aimed at enhancing their professional growth, such as innovative panel discussions, restorative wellness events, two pre-conference masterclasses, and networking sessions, including the AAHOA Pink Party. 

“When AAHOA launched the HerOwnership initiative, it was about supporting more women in the hospitality industry and propelling them to reach their full potential so they could realize their dream of hotel ownership,” said AAHOA President & CEO Laura Lee Blake. “I am constantly impressed and inspired by the women who make up AAHOA – their desire to learn, to engage, and to lift each other up. The HerOwnership community is nothing like I have ever seen in this industry or elsewhere. As word continues to spread, I cannot wait to see how this will continue to grow into a source of support for women owning hotels, but also for women seeking to be stronger leaders in their businesses and their communities.”

The Conference and Retreat had an impressive lineup of women speakers, panelists, and guests from all over the country, diverse in backgrounds and all at various stages of their ownership journey. Some of the top women leaders within the industry shared their triumphs and discussed the challenges they’ve faced as entrepreneurs, showcasing the resilience necessary to break glass ceilings as women in hospitality. 

“Resilience is a characteristic women across generations have employed to push beyond the constraints of society,” said Tejal N. Patel, AAHOA Women Hoteliers Director Western Division. “We are not only breaking down barriers, we are redefining them. The lessons we have learned and continue to share light a path for the next generation of women within the hotel industry and beyond.”

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